Communicating with pets after death
If you’re wondering if you and your departed animal friends will see each other again…
You are going to love this episode of Insight for Intuitive Living. It's all about in-spirit animal visitations and how to be in the now so you can recognize when they happen.
Listen along here…
“Meditation to connect with animals who have passed” starts at 9:43 minutes
Hello Dear Intuitive One,
I bolted out of bed this morning from a dream I desperately wanted to remember every sliver of… I scrambled for my journal and proceeded to quickly write my own personalized shorthand (AKA chicken scratch) notes that I do when I'm still half asleep.
The dream was vivid and I wanted to remember it for as long as possible because it was a dream about our big dog, Raspberry who passed away two weeks ago, peacefully, at home, gracefully and wrapped in love.
This dream felt particularly potent because it was more than a regular run-of-the-mill unpacking and processing of deep psychological stuff. This dream was an animal visitation dream.
Raspberry was a steady mountain of a being who lived with us for less than 3 years. Yet in that short time, she and I had a deep love affair. In our time together we taught each other about the power of presence and breath, and explored in our daily life how each of these things was able to dissolve aspects of individual trauma—allowing more of our truest selves to shine and take the lead. Our daily ritual of laying spine to spine, on the floor or bare Earth, as we leaned into each other's backs with presence and love was such great medicine for both of us.
In my dream, I was interviewing Raspberry about the many travels and journeys her soul had experienced so far, including the time with me. As she shared she was handing me small but powerful little trinkets that she had collected on her journeys. The items themselves were unremarkable to me, the observer, but the story she shared as she passed each item to me was profound.
Throughout my dream Raspberry spoke with few words and yet relayed potent stories, memories, visions and reflections, speaking in the same distinct fashion she had when she was alive, using intuitive animal communication.
When I could feel that our time together was coming to an end in this dream space, my last question to her was "Will I See You Again?"
Here is what she said, "I would love to stop and visit between my upcoming adventures to say hello. We can find each other in dream time. You can also look for me in those precious moments, when you are SO present you can feel the pressure of your breath pressing against your spine —just like you would during our daily ritual of laying spine to spine while we sensed each other's breathing.”
How to tell the difference between a memory and in-spirit animal visitation
In my years of offering animal communication professionally I’m grateful for the hundreds of animals I’ve communicated with who have passed away. In this time, I've heard countless in-spirit animals tell their humans to look for them in dream time - giving their grieving humans a distant yet beautifully non-linear meeting place to reconnect. Much like how Raspberry and I connected in the dream I’ve shared here.
I've also heard countless in-spirit animals share with their people they will visit or they do visit, often. These kinds of visits are often described by the in-spirit animal as brief check in’s. Time to make sure everyone they love is doing okay, including the humans and animals they have loved in their lifetime.
I've experienced visitations with the animals (and humans) I’ve loved who are now in-spirit form, by sensing their presence. It feels like their loving presence moving, softly, like a barely present wind- that passes through a moment in time. For example, several years after our dog friend Bernard passed away, as I was coming through our front gate, I sensed of fast moving energy in front of me, coupled with the intuitive sensations of Bernard’s fur brushing my face, while feeling the full-body sensation of the vibrations created by his excited Woof-Woof’s and an intuitive vision of his giant smile flashing in my heart and mind.
And all the while, I was sensing, in a fully embodied way, that my friend was okay. That he loved me and he knew I loved him. The whole visit was less than a minute and yet felt to me as though I had just had a lifetime with my dearly missed friend.
In-spirit animal visitations
In-spirit visitations are very different from a memory of our animal friends. Memories are something that we can play over and over again in our mind and it feels the same each time. The situation, the players and even the feeling surrounding the memory stays the same. They may move a little or speak, but it’s all things we’ve seen, felt or experienced before.
Visitations, on the other hand, are fluid and fleeting. They also happen in present time; like with my visit with Bernard at the front gate, I was also equally aware of the current weather, the traffic out front and the heaviness of my backpack. Like my visit with Bernard, visitations are often accompanied by a deep and profound sense of peace that can feel like an inner knowing that they are okay and we are okay.
During an Animal in-spirit visitation, time slows down for a moment and we feel as though we are briefly sharing space in real time with an animal that we've loved who's crossed over.
Visitations are mutual, and they are co-created by us and our animal friends in moments when we humans are so wickedly present our embodied intuitive senses are turned on and tuned to the here and now.
Presence is the practical magic that makes visitations possible
I firmly believe that presence is the magic golden ticket that transforms our intuition from being spotty, out of our control and unclear, to being a practical tool that provides clarity and grounded connection with the seen/physical and unseen/intangible. And this includes being able to sense our beloved animal friends, who are now in spirit, when they come around.
And… with the state of well, everything right now, being present can feel nearly impossible on your own. I’d love to help you drop back into the now with a simple guided Presencing Meditation.
Presencing is the act of becoming present. And in this meditation I’ll guide you in putting down all of the things weighing you down and dropping back into your body in the now.
Transform scattered and fragmented into grounded in the now with this Presencing Meditation
** To listen to this meditation, click the audio link at the top of this post **
Side note: Before doing anything else, I invite you to bookmark this page so you can come back to this meditation whenever you need it. Your future self will thank you)
Animals who are In-spirit visit us regularly. It’s our fully embodied presence that allows us to experience their presence when they do.
Give yourself a moment to get comfy…
Sense into your Center and rest your hand on this part of your body. Let your breath meet your resting hand… let your breath be calm and easy. You don’t need to take deeper or bigger breaths, simply allow your intent to help usher your breath towards your hand.
Let your shoulders drop… let your jaw relax, your temples soften and give your mind permission to slow down. Even let your eyeballs relax and the lid over your third eye to rest easy now.
Starting with the very top of your head, let your awareness trace your edges all the way down to your toes.
Draw back home to your center any of your own energy that is fragmented from your center seeking resolutions or understanding from situations past.
Draw back home to your center any of your energy that is fragmented from this moment seeking out future worries or uncertainty.
Let your reclaimed energy settle in, underneath your resting hands. and give your reclaimed energy permission to be in the now lovingly held by strength of your bones, the fluidity of your blood, the calm steady rhythm of your heartbeat and breath-and to be rooted and grounded in the now.
Here in this place of grounded presence, picture your animal friend in your heart and mind and say, “Hello” to them. Emanate your hello throughout your body and energy . There is no need to direct this greeting to them, simply let it be an emanating love beacon for them.
Sense into your surroundings using your proprioception—proprioception is your body's ability to sense movement and energy around you. Stay in your center as you scan the present moment with your physical and intuitive senses for the familiar, loving presence of your animal friend.
When you sense your animal friend, stay in the your center and let the wonder and magic of your intuitive and physical senses help you sense their presence, in the here and now.
And when your visit feels complete, sense back into the movement of your breath and feel your hand on your center and than your animal friend for this precious visit.
Thanks for tuning in with me today,
Need a hand talking with your pets?
Animal communication sessions help you and your animal friends have life changing conversations to assure you are getting the most from their time together. Including helping you both understand what you are here to learn and accomplish this lifetime.
If you’ve been feeling it’s time for a check in with your animal beloved, click the bright yellow button below.