What is Animism? And why I practice it everyday.
How to put your powerful belief of Animism into practice, so you feel more connected with the natural world.
Plus: I’ll be sharing a simple Animistic meditation to ground into your center and say “hello” to the whole of all of life
Listen along here…
Hello Dear Intuitive One,
For as long as I can remember I’ve held a bone deep knowing in the aliveness of everything. Since I was a child I held fast in the belief that trees, plants, oceans, wind and sky are intelligent sentient beings. I remember so clearly as a child connecting with these beings and talking with them directly using the same practices I use to communicate with animals today.
When I was very young, I was able to hear this aliveness in things as a delightful, unified kind of humming, a song that I could hear and feel on the edges of my presence. As I grew older, I learned that, with practice, I could distinguish the individual notes in this collective song, which allowed me to have long conversations with individual beings of nature like trees, plants, the wind, and the sea. I still consider these natural beings my first and primary teachers. Yet it wasn't until I heard the term, “Animism” 15-years ago, that I knew such a “thing” existed, that this knowing, this belief even had a name. It was such a Eureka moment!
Animism is the belief that nature, elements, places, weather and even concepts such as love and joy, are alive with unique sentience and intelligence. Animism is about recognizing that everything we interact with, including the air we breathe, the rocks and trees we pass, the desk we work on… they’re more than objects. They have a life force of their own.
Animism isn’t a new concept to most intuitive ones because there are aspects of animism deeply woven into the structures of our rituals and ceremonies in Pagan, Wiccan, Celtic, Shamanic and Intuitive practices.
Animism can look like:
Listening to your animal friend with your intuition and heart recognizing that your dog and friends are alive and have feelings, thoughts and opinions
Recognizing that your favorite rock, crystal singing bowl, rattle or drum, is a sentient ally
Asking a rock's permission before taking it home from the beach or asking the river's permission before doing a ceremony on its riverbank.
Calling on, or saying a blessing to, the elements of fire, water, air and earth
So many of us intuitive ones seem to naturally gravitate towards the principles of animism, long before we even know that animism is a thing. As intuitive people, we can feel that our world is alive, we know it is alive.
Animism examples: What Animism looks like as a daily practice
Put into practice, Animism gears towards healthy, balanced, collaborative relationships with the natural world. It enforces the idea that you and everything around you is alive and holds uniquely diverse experiences and perspectives. Mountains know how to be Mountains and see the world from that unique perspective, and you and I know how to be human and see the world from our perspective. This of course can lead to a lively exchange!
Animism helps us humans remember on a cellular level that we are a part of nature.
When we see mountains, rocks, plants and objects as sentient beings, it reminds us that nature isn’t solely here for our consumption and profit. It reminds us that we are a part of the greater picture, the whole of all of life. And as a part of this wholeness, we have a role to play in our everyday life to honor every thing that we share space with on this planet.
And not just in a new age flaky kind of way, or in a spiritual bypassy way.
Rather it’s a call to action in our everyday lives to pull up a chair to the table of life and say with our full, embodied, whole human presence, “I recognize that I'm a piece of this puzzle. Let's get to work”.
A guided meditation to align with the whole of life around you
I’d love to share with you a simple tuning-in practice to connect with the aliveness that's all around you. It’s a practice of becoming as centered as possible, dropping into your wholeness, so you can meet with these beings.
We’re talking about being as present as possible, like you would want to be when meeting a new special friend and giving them your full attention to hear their unique sense of how they see and experience things.
It's about connecting, whole being to whole being. It's not about merging. And it's not about giving our power away or consuming the power of the other.
Let's tune in now, here in this very moment.
I invite you to place a hand on your heart and a hand on your belly to mark this moment as sacred time to tune-in and be with what is in the here and now.
Turn your attention inward to your breath and center. Open your body centric senses.
Breathe to be in your body. Feel the movement of your breath, moving through your body slowly.
Breathe to be in the here and now.
Give yourself permission to drop into the present, into this state when everything starts to slow down, where the noise of your inner space starts to calm and quiet, where your body starts to become a little heavier and you surrender to the support that gravity is offering you.
Becoming present and in your body like this before greeting the intelligent sentience around you, is so important because you want to be able to meet these beings, while also staying connected with your own individuality and identity.
From this centered place of inner listening, simply emanate a kind and simple “hello” to the sentient intelligent energy of the present moment, including to the Earth, Sky and air around you.
There’s no need to send this “Hello” to anyone directly, it’s better if you don’t.
Simply emanate this “Hello” through your whole body,
just like a simple hum might vibrate your tissues
and your lungs and your vocal chords and your bones.
Let this be an embodied experience. As you let the energy of your “hello” emanate throughout yourself throughout your body, breathe to be IN your body and in the here and now.
Next, simply pause your focus on emanating this “hello” and sense into your edges of where you end and the rest of the world begins. This can be your skin, or the edge of your natural boundary, around your energy.
Let yourself sense the collective song created by all of sentient beings around you, including the Earth and air in your room. Sense into the taps, the pulses and the sensations you feel on that edge of your being.
This is the language of the whole of all of life. This song, this vibration, is how the wind speaks, how the earth speaks.
Practice staying in your center as you sense this universal pulsing language of love and belonging.
Pause to listen in to this language and take note how you are able to stay in your centered presence to meet it, whole being to whole being.
When you feel moved, emanate a “Thank you for your being” through your body and energy in the same ways you emanated your “hello”.
To finish this tuning in, I invite you to open your eyes and look around your room and notice what feels and looks different for you. What feels different within you as you give yourself this time to notice.
Thanks for tuning in with me today,
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