Bridging the gap: Talking to animals remotely
How animal Communication works at a distance
Have you ever wondered how Animal Communication works when we aren't in the same room with the animals we are talking with?
Today, I’m sharing all about my unique process of intuitively communicating with animals remotely. Pus, I’d love to share an easy guided meditation to help you create a love letter for your pets so you can touch base with them when you are apart.
Listen along here…
Hello Dear Intuitive One,
I’m frequently asked how I can communicate with animals, particularly when I’m not in the same room with them for the session.
Over the years of doing this work, clients have asked too, if I send some kind of energy cord to their animal or if I energetically merge with their pets when I’m talking with them in order for the communication and translation to be so clear during sessions.
While cording and merging are commonly taught intuitive animal communication practices, I find that this style of communication, even when done with LOVE, is too invasive for me and the animals I’m talking with.
My process of intuitively talking with animals is based on the principles of co-creation.
Co-creation in animal communication is about collaborating, whole being to whole being, to create deeper understanding, to problem solve and strengthen bonds.
This style of animal communication is profoundly clear and can bridge vast physical distance gaps using only permission, presence, and a loving intentful focus.
Bridging physical distance with animal communication
To help me communicate with an animal when I’m not sharing physical space with them, I look at a photo of them to help me tune-in. I use the photo to help me focus my awareness and single out their energetic signature. As I’m focusing in, I’m allowing my full presence and energy to meet edge to edge with the energy and presence of the animal I’m talking with - because it’s an energetic connection, it can be done across vast physical distances.
There is no merging, no cording involved. All in all, it’s a profoundly relaxing and comfortable experience for everyone. So relaxing in fact, that many of the animal’s I talk with fall deeply asleep during sessions.
It's a slightly magical and quite spectacular experience. And since this level of intuitive connection doesn’t require being physically in the same room with the animal in order to have profoundly deep conversations, we are freed to connect heart-to-heart no matter how close or far we are from each other.
Want to give it a try?
I invite you to listen along to the following guided meditation that will help you create an intuitive Love Letter to touch base with your animal beloved - when you are apart.
Tap into the deep love shared between you and your animal beloveds
Creating an intuitive love letter for your pet
You can listen to this meditation by clicking the audio link at the top of this post. :)
Dear Intuitive One, I invite you to give yourself a moment to settle in.
Let the surface underneath you support your body, give any tension or stress that you are feeling right now permission to surrender into this support, so this surface can truly support you.
Let the sensations of the air, temperature, sounds and textures around you help you arrive back home to the here and now.
Sense into the ways that this combination of the support under and around you can cocoon your body and energy in love and ease, and support you in grounding into your heartspace.
Perhaps place a hand on your heart and a hand on your belly to help you tune-inward. sense inward for the movement within you created by your breath. Explore how each inhale and exhale you give yourself can help draw you closer to your center, where your heart and mind can balance and align.
Now think about, sense or envision the pure essence of your animal beloved. Let the image or sensation just arrive, manifest and become. There’s no need to travel to it or call it to you. When you sense them, feel into your feelings of love and gratitude for them. Let your emotion fill your body, heart, mind and spirit.
This love and gratitude will be received by your animal friend. There is no need to send or force it.
While staying in the here and now, let your whole being soften and sense into the energy of love and gratitude that your animal friend is emanating. Give yourself permission to simply experience this sensation of love being offered by your animal beloved. Notice the movement of your breath to stay present and connected with your own body and center while holding your animal’s love note at the same time.
When this non-verbal conversation feels complete, voice your gratitude to your animal friend and simply let the image, thought or essence of your animal friend simply dissolve - knowing you can touch base with them in this same way again soon.
Thanks for tuning in with me today,
P.S I’m accepting new animal communication clients again and I’d love to the chance to work with you. And… If you're moved to share this post or my website with one of your animal loving intuitive witchy friends, please do. I am certain that you know the best people and I would love the chance to work with them too.
Has your animal friend been trying to tell you something?
Good news! I’m accepting new animal communication clients again!
If your animal buddy has been staring at you for uncomfortable lengths of time or has been being particularly pesky, chances are they have something to tell you.
If you’re struggling to go beyond just reading their body language or get past your own projections to have an intuitive conversation with them to figure it out, I’d love to help.