The life changing moment of seeing your life through your animal friend’s eyes
In today’s post I’d love to share about the slightly vulnerable and powerful moment in an animal communication session when your animals shift from sharing about themselves to sharing how they see your learning, growth and healing.
Plus I'll be give you few tips to help make this vulnerable moment feel heart-warmly wonderful in a way that will make Brené Brown proud.
Listen along here…
Hello Dear Intuitive One
When your animal shifts gears from talking about what they feel about themselves to focusing on YOU… it can feel like an intuitive reading through the eyes of your most trusted ally in this world- your animal friend.
Living alongside us, our animal friends can see and sense deeply into our Souls, like…
Like the two dog friends who stressed to their human companion in a session how their human’s fragrance had changed dramatically after having taken on a new role at work, so much so they were concerned about their health… only for the human to later confirm that at their next check up they learned their blood pressure was through the roof.
Or like the ancient and wise family cat who had witnessed the children grow and start lives of their own who in a session near the end of her life, shared vital wisdom for each adult child she wanted them to carry in their hearts forward about bravery, authenticity and the importance of play.
And like the horse friend who’s chronic health issues were mirroring his humans who shared how vital it was for his human friend to stop pretending nothing was wrong and use their time together to learn to be present in their body so she could start letting go of the years of stress she carried.
Our animals SEE us for who we are, heart and Soul, like no other beings on this planet. And when we give ourselves the time and space to listen to how they see us, it is a priceless, precious gift that will last a lifetime.
And it can be slightly vulnerable
(but only in the way that will make Brené Brown proud of you)
I totally get it. Thinking about hearing (and really taking in) how your animals see you - from their unique perspective - can initially quickly turn the slightly vulnerable feeling of talking with an animal communicator into wanting to run and hide.
But before you dash off to find the closest boulder to hide under, I’d love to reassure you.
Clients share time and again that feeling the presence and pure unconditional LOVE from their animal friends flowing on the call makes any slight hints of vulnerability just melt away.
Think of it like an epic love snuggle fest with your animal BFF but amplified by a million.
And hearing how your animal friends see you through their untainted, unconditional loving eyes,
Hearing their noticing from their time spent loving and living alongside of you during the joyful and teary,
And hearing your animal companion share about how they see your actions, learning, loving and healing… has the power to move you to your core and make you fall deeply in love with them all over again.
Thanks for tuning in with me today,
Give your animal friend a chance to share their wisdom with you…
This is your official permission slip to make your next animal communication session a little about YOU too.
Schedule an animal communication session and have a heart-to-heart conversation with your animal beloved and ask them how they feel about it all - including what they wish you knew about how they see and love you.