Animal Communication Blog
A small moment of peace and connection with animal stories and insights for creating and living an intuitive life.
Sign up to receive twice monthly episodes that will help you tune inward and tap your own intuitive knowing.
How to show love to your dog: Be present
Give your fur-friend the gift of presence this holiday
A poem about the importance of being present by a Cocker Spaniel
How to create the space to listen inward
Let your mind go blank - a guide map to dropping in and listen to your intuition
Plus: We’ll put it into action with a conversation to help you intuitively hear your animals more clearly
What a frog taught me about bravery
What wild animal visitors can teach you about yourself and what questions to ask to know what their visits mean for you.
Plus: Plus: I’m announcing something big!
A healing ceremony for climate change grief
Let’s explore climate change grief through the lens of shamanism to help you transform it into healthy change.
Plus: we’ll chat how to talk with your animals about the effects of climate change.
May Integrity be at the heart of all of our interactions.
Non-appropriation pledge:
My Intuitive Healing work and spiritual practices are anchored in my own ancestral healing traditions blended with western techniques, principles and modalities including animism, intuition, animal communication, embodiment, breathwork, meditation, and inner heart-centric journeying and meditation.
Out of a profound respect for indigenous peoples across the world, I do not practice or teach healing or spiritual modalities that are not a part of my own culture and ancestry.